什么是美盛集团 (什么是美盛集团的股东)

公司代码 2025-02-07 10:10:58 浏览

美盛集团 (Legg Mason, Inc. ,简称 「美盛」),成立于1899年,是全球规模最大的资产管理公司之一,专注于资产管理业务。拥有超过100年的历史,美盛集团成功建立强而有力的传承,目前管理全球股票与固定收益市场的金额超过9,985亿美元(2007年12月31日资料)。美盛集团与花旗银行于2008年1月在中国推出了QDII产品——美盛环球基金陵团型系列。该系列尺猜包含了六只专注投资环球股票和固定收益市场的基金产品。美盛的触角延伸至世界各地,在美国、加拿大、英国、法国、德国、卢森堡、西班牙、波兰、澳洲、日本、香港、台湾、新加坡、智利及巴西皆设有营业据点。 美盛最被肯定的特色是资金管理方面的独特专长。旗下拥有许多知名的投资管理公司,专注于各自擅长的领域。 这些投资管理公司包括美盛资金管理 (Legg Mason Capital Management)、西方资产](Royce & Associates)、布兰迪全球投资管理(Brandywine Global Investment Management)、倍思资金管理(Private Capital Management)、与百骏财务管理(Batterymarch Financial Management、美盛国际股票(Legg Mason International Equities),凯利顾问(ClearBridge Advisor) - 每一个投资管理公司皆为美盛100%持有之附属子公司。 美盛的投资人有机会投资于各投资管理公司擅长的资产类别及其独特的投资程序或好及理念,同时也可以投资于全世界具有潜在价值的标的。美盛身为世界最大的资产管理公司之一,结合其专精于资产管理的能力,以自由、弹性,和专注以达到成为世界上首屈一指的资产管理公司之一的目标。 Founded in 1899, Legg Mason, Inc. (NYSE: LM) is a leading Global Asset Management Firm that serves the institutional, mutual fund and wealth management markets. The firm is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, and is loCated on Lombard and Charles Streets in the Legg Mason building (formerly the USF&G building), which, at 35 above-ground stories, is the tallest building in Maryland (and the tallest building between Charlotte and Philadelphia). Legg Mason serves a variety of clients including institutional and individual investors through three business units: Global Managed Investments, U.S. Asset Management, and International Asset Management. The firm Provides investment advisory services through a diversified group of managers including Western Asset Management, ClearBridge Advisors, Legg Mason Capital Management, Private Capital Management, Royce & Associates, Brandywine Asset Management, Batterymarch Financial Management, and The Permal Group. Structured as a holding company, Legg Mason has investment offices in the UK, Brazil, Japan, Singapore, Chile, Poland, Australia, Hong Kong and the United States. The firm is among the worlds largest asset managers based on assets under management with managed assets in excess of $890 billion as of September 30, 2006. Legg Mason, Inc. is a member of S&P 500. In 2006 the Legg Mason brokerage was bought out by Smith Barney, Citigroup and acquired their logo. 美盛集团的运营管理 Management一、专业专才独立投资管理美盛的运作结构经谨慎设计以提供多元化投资服务。旗下各投资管理公司拥有全球各种资产类别投资专才,且各自独立投资管理,专注其独特的投资能力。美盛结合所有投资经理之专才,成为强有力的资产管理集团。 二、资深的投资组合管理团队美盛旗下各投资经理于所属领域皆表现期出色的投资能力,投资经理团队包含资深且经验丰富的投资经理人,而其背后有一群高水平的投资分析团队为奥援,基金经理采用经长时间验证的投资哲学及投资流程,在不同的投资市场及各种经济环境下达到最优异的投资表现。 投资专业经理遍及全球 美盛拥有结合全球各国与各区域在地投资研究投资的专业投资经理团队,涵盖全球股票与固定收益资产类别。美盛坚持鼓励其投资经理遵循各自的投资程序,并且制定自己的投资决策。基本上,尽力发挥他们最专精的资产管理。 Core areas of business Global Managed InvestmentsGlobal Managed Investments encompasses U.S. and international distribution, global fund administration, fund services and other related functions. Additionally, it includes the Mutual Funds division, which consists of investment management subsidiaries that derive a substantial portion of their revenues from the mutual fund business: ClearBridge Advisors, Legg Mason Capital Management, and Royce & Associates. It also encompasses the Companys branded mutual funds sold under the names of Legg Mason Funds, Legg Mason Partners Funds, Royce Funds, and Western Asset Asset ManagementInternational Asset Management encompasses the Companys investment management subsidiaries based outside the U.S, consisting of Legg Mason International Equities which includes the emerging market equities TEAM in London; the Hong Kong and China Equities team in Hong Kong and other capabilities across Singapore, Brasil and Poland.U.S. Asset ManagementU.S. Asset Management encompasses U.S.-based investment managers that provide separate account management as their principal business. This unit comprises the U.S.-based Institutional and Wealth Management divisions. Investment subsidiaries operating in this sector include Barrett Associates, Bartlett & Co., Batterymarch Financial Management, Berkshire Asset Management, Bingham Legg Advisors, Brandywine Global Investment Management, Legg Mason Investment Counsel & Trust, Legg Mason Real Estate Investors, The Permal Group, Private Capital Management, and Western Asset Management.本条目仅是MBA智库百科对美盛集团的介绍。若您需要与美盛集团联系,请访问美盛集团官方网站。



